How to Use VirtualBox As a Remote PostgreSQL Server

2 minute read

I think this would be an interesting post about creating a “remote” PostgreSQL server by VirtualBox. Both guest and host machines are Debian.

VB Guest Debian Installation (netinst)

Download Debian netinst cd.

The installation is pretty straightforward. There is only one personal preference I would like to make - Deselect all extra packages. After all, this is just a remote server, we don’t need GUI or anything extra fancy.

Deselect all extra software


One important step in VB setup is to switch the default network from NAT to Bridged Adapter. If you would like to know the difference, here is the official doc on this topic.

sudo Group

Log into VB guest Debian with your credentials, add yourself to sudo group and reboot.

apt install sudo
/usr/sbin/adduser bo sudo 

PostgreSQL Installation in VB Guest Debian

When you have logged back in, run the command below to install PostgreSQL

sudo apt update
sudo apt install -y postgresql postgresql-contrib

Check if everything works ok.

sudo service postgresql status

By default, the installation process will create a superuser named postgres. This particular account is recommended to be used locally without password.

To access this account locally, you have two options:

  • Switch to postgres account and type psql
sudo su - postgres
  • Or you can run this command instead
sudo -u postgres psql

To exit out of PostgreSQL shell, type \q or Ctrl + D.

Create Roles and Database

Within the VB guest Debian, type

sudo su - postgres -c "createuser bo"
sudo su - postgres -c "createdb bodb"

Connect PostgreSQL shell and grant privileges

sudo -u postgres psql

In PostgreSQL shell, type

grant all privileges on database bodb to bo;

Enable Remote Access

In the terminal, run the following command

sudo nano /etc/postgresql/11/main/postgresql.conf

Find the line below by Ctrl + w, and change it accordingly.

listen_addresses = ‘*’ # what IP address(es) to listen on;

Restart PostgreSQL

sudo service postgresql restart

Accept remote connections

sudo nano /etc/postgresql/11/main/pg_hba.conf

Add this line to pg_hba.conf

host bodb bo trust

One more thing before we move on to the host machine, we need to find out the IP address of the guest machine on our local network.

ip address

Mine is

Host Machine Debian

We need to install the client package from the repo.

sudo apt install postgresql-client

Now we can connect to our “remote” postsql server by running this command

psql -U bo -d bodb -h


Connect to VirtualBox PostgreSQL server. (Since the host machine is Debian 9 and guest machine is Debian 10, we have different versions of PostgreSQL installed. Other than that, everything should be fine.)

I hope you liked this short tutorial. Stay tuned by signing up for my newsletter. If you have any questions/comments/proposals, feel free to shoot me a message on Twitter/Discord/Patreon. Happy coding!